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Assessing Business, Operational and Security Risks

  • CPE Credits: 8
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Learning Level: Basic
  • Instructional Method: Group/Live
  • Field of Study: Information Technology – Technical
Course Revision Date: March 1, 2023

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Course Description

The commercial use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) a.k.a. commercial drone technology is becoming increasingly mainstream. As such, it is imperative for organizations to keep pace with the technologies currently in use and those being introduced.

For organizations considering adopting UAS technology and those currently employing UAS platforms, there are many risk and security factors that must be considered. This presentation addresses the emerging technology associated with commercial UAS, security and risk issues, while also addressing the critical questions an enterprise must consider prior to implementing and then managing a UAS program.

The presentation will examine the fundamentals of UAS operations, UAS/RPAS operational threats, data risks and security threats, UAS hacking tool capabilities, managing and mitigating UAS risks.

Additional discussion will focus will be on risk assessment, internal control, audit and assessment of the organization’s UAS program.

Please note that this presentation is not intended, nor designed, to review the specific aviation or related legislation for jurisdictions or entities, which may be operating outside of the preview and compliance requirements of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

This presentation is intended for internal and external audit professionals, risk managers, compliance officers, privacy and HR professionals, end user decision makers, Info Sec professionals, public administration officials, first-responder management and those professionals who need a thorough understanding and have an interest in assessing and establishing a well-designed, safe, secure and compliant Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) program.

After completing this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Understand common terms in the UAS community.
  • Identify relevant controls necessary for compliant, commercial UAS usage.
  • Understand the legal requirements for commercial UAS implementation and operation.
  • Evaluate the organization’s preparedness to engage in commercial UAS operations.
  • Determine policy requirements for compliance to Federal, state and municipal regulations covering UAS usage.
  • Design and identify content required for the organization’s UAS operations manual.
  • Specify the requirements for an internal assessment tool for the organization’s UAS program (pre and post-implementation).
  • Develop a sample assessment/audit program.
  • Lead the internal control/risk assessment of the organization’s UAS program.
  • Identify weaknesses with the organization’s UAS operations.
Course Outline
Please contact Al with a request for a detailed course outline.


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BAC is a vetted, current provider of training courses through the NICCS Education and Training Catalog. BAC’s courses are aligned to the specialty areas of the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.