About Us
- Cyber forensics, e-discovery and associated litigation support
- Business continuity, contingency plan and incident management development and audit; site security reviews and evaluations
- Training and seminar presentation for all levels of the information technology (IT), financial and operational audit function
- Application system life cycle analysis and development support for financial, insurance, health services, and manufacturing corporations
Our Mission

Albert J. Marcella Jr., Ph.D., CISA, CISM
Dr. Marcella’s book, Cyber Forensics: From Data to Digital Evidence, provides the reader with insights into how data are stored, processed, identified, analyzed, and eventually end up as evidential matter. Research conducted by Dr. Marcella on cyber extortion, workplace violence, personal privacy, Electronic Stored Information (ESI), privacy risks in multi-functional devices (MFDs), cyber forensics, disaster and incident management planning, the Internet of Things and ethics, has appeared in the ISACA Journal, Disaster Recovery Journal, Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, EDPACS, ISSA Journal, Continuity Insights, and the Internal Auditor Magazine.
Dr. Marcella is the 2016 recipient of the Information Systems Security Association’s Security Professional of the Year award and recipient of the Institute of Internal Auditors Leon R. Radde Educator of the Year 2000, award. Dr. Marcella has also been recognized by the Institute of Internal Auditors as a Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Member.
It also gave me avenues to pursue to increase my knowledge, skills and abilities in this area.
Strategic Partners
Business Automation Consultants, LLC has partnered with world’s leading technology vendors and solution providers to bring quality IT solutions for our customers. These partnerships are based on precise understanding of our customers’ needs, resources, and information technology environment.
We will regularly post presentations, podcasts, webinars and videos featuring Dr. Marcella.
Request a Consultation Today
We provide a variety of consultation services and training options to fit the demanding and changing needs of our clients. Contact us today and we will help you determine the best way to meet your goals.
BAC is a vetted, current provider of training courses through the NICCS Education and Training Catalog. BAC’s courses are aligned to the specialty areas of the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.