(314) 504-0530 info@bac-mail.com

Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare

  • CPE Credits: eight (8) for one-day course, 16 for two-day course
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Learning Level: Basic
  • Instructional Method: Group/Live
  • Field of Study: Information Technology – Technical
Course Revision Date: March 1, 2023

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Course Description
This course may be expanded into a two-day 14 CPE program with the addition of the table top exercise (TTX)

The objective of this course is to provide practical and immediately usable information to professionals on how to protect both data and infrastructure from the ravages of electronic terrorism and associated cyber crimes. Once only a topic for made-for-television thrillers, cyber terrorism has captured global front page headlines and reported top news stories from every facet of commerce. Individuals engaged in international, industrial espionage, organized crime, competitive intelligence gathering, political warfare, and destruction of critical infrastructure pose a threat to governments, organizations and citizens alike.

This course is designed to provide the attendee with a fresh examination of the inherent risks associated with individuals or groups, who use cyberspace to threaten international governments, interfere with domestic operations, terrorize the citizens of a country, and attempt to disrupt corporate operations and how to minimize exposure to these risks.

This course is intended for Chief Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Information Officers, Controllers and their management, internal and external audit professionals, InfoSec and law enforcement professionals, system analysts, decision makers who need a thorough understanding of the cyber threats facing 21st century organizations, and individuals who wish to learn more about controlling and hardening their organization’s environment against cyber-attacks.
After completing this seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize and identify the differences between cyber crimes, cyber warfare, cyber terrorism and cyber threats.
  • Have a working knowledge of the current risks, threats and exposures facing 21st century organizations doing business in virtual global marketplaces.
  • Understand the basic principles and philosophies of cyber terrorism and how individuals and corporations can be targeted.
  • Identify existing exposures and weaknesses within their organization’s operations, which would make the organization an easy target for cyber terrorists.
  • Be prepared to assist their organization in securing its operations, minimizing its security exposure, and mitigating the possibility of becoming the victim of a cyber-based attack.
Course Outline

Please contact Al with a request for a detailed course outline…


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BAC is a vetted, current provider of training courses through the NICCS Education and Training Catalog. BAC’s courses are aligned to the specialty areas of the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.