(314) 504-0530 info@bac-mail.com

Cyber Forensics Series Part 1

  • CPE Credits: eight (8) for all four parts in the series
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Learning Level: Basic
  • Instructional Method: Group/Live
  • Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Course Revision Date: March 1, 2023

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Course Description
Traditional forensics professionals use fingerprints, DNA typing, and ballistics analysis to make their case. Infosec professionals have to develop new tools for collecting, examining and evaluating data in an effort to establish intent, culpability, motive, means, methods and loss resulting from e-crimes.

Part 1 of this course on cyber forensics, will introduce the course participant to data, the primordial building blocks of information as we know it and how specific data evolve, eventually into evidential matter.

We start small, in fact very small . . . bits and bytes small, explaining the origins of data and progressing onward, addressing concepts related to data storage, boot records and partitions and how each of these are interrelated and essential in the understanding of the process and methodology, of a cyber-forensic investigation.

This course is intended for internal and external audit professionals, General Counsels, Law enforcement and InfoSec professionals, anyone interested in obtaining a better understanding of and general introduction to, cyber forensics.
After completing this seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the fundamental building blocks of data.
  • Differentiate between how data are stored, arranged, calculated and presented in human-readable form.
  • Identify how data are converted from binary to decimal format.
  • Interpret the dependency and linkage of hexadecimal notation and the relationship to cyber forensics.
  • Define the Master Boot Record and its role in cyber forensic data analysis.
  • Comprehend the meaning and role of endianness in data representation and storage.
  • Explain the role and function of the partition table.
Course Outline

Please contact Al with a request for a detailed course outline…


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BAC is a vetted, current provider of training courses through the NICCS Education and Training Catalog. BAC’s courses are aligned to the specialty areas of the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.