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Auditing Business Resiliency

  • CPE Credits: 8
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Learning Level: Basic
  • Instructional Method: Group/Live
  • Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
Course Revision Date: March 1, 2023

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Course Description

Globally, organizations are collectively creating a massive amount of data on a daily basis. According to research from tech giant IBM, global devices generate around 2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) of the stuff every day.

It is reported that about 70% of business people have experienced (or will experience) data loss due to accidental deletion, disk or system failure, viruses, fire or some other disaster.

Sixty (60) percent of companies that lose their data will shut down within six (6) months of the disaster according to the Boston Computing Network’s Data Loss Statistics. Thirty-one (31) percent of PC users have lost all of their files due to events beyond their control.

 The continued successful operation of an organization depends on senior management’s awareness of potential disasters, their ability and commitment to support the development of a plan that minimizes disruptions of critical functions and the responsiveness and capabilities of the organization’s entire team, to recover essential operations expediently and successfully.

Every business needs a robust plan to ensure continued operations during a disaster. But even the best business continuity plan can suffer from the simple passage of time.

This presentation examines the various causes of computer failure and presents feasible alternatives for recovery. Session participants will examine the key components of disaster recovery, business continuity and incident management planning, how to measure the effectiveness of their organization’s business recovery, continuity and planning program, and what questions they should be asking to determine their organization’s overall preparedness to endure a disaster “event”.

This presentation is intended for:

  • Internal and external audit professionals
  • Infosec professionals
  • Personnel newly assigned to a business resiliency (e.g., DRP, BCP, IMP) role, within their organization
  • Personnel employed in an enterprise-wide role, who need a deeper understanding of the relationship between business resiliency and enterprise governance, risk, compliance and security.
After completing this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Pinpoint security requirements necessary for effective recovery operations
  • Understand the actions required to recover from a major incident
  • Appreciate the extent to which the recovery depends on pre-planned resources and pre-defined actions
  • Recognize options available for recovery and how to select those most appropriate
  • Identify strategies designed to decrease potential exposures leading to and resulting from a “disaster event”
  • Develop policies and procedures which will provide for an orderly recovery, and minimize insurance premiums
  • Identify practices aimed at protecting the assets of the organization
Course Outline
Please contact Al with a request for a detailed course outline.


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