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Practicing and Promoting Ethical Behavior in the Workplace: Ethics Series Part 3

  • CPE Credits: eight (8) for all three parts in the series
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Learning Level: Basic
  • Instructional Method: Group/Live
  • Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics
Course Revision Date: March 1, 2023

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Course Description
Ethics is a fundamental business term because it can and does apply to all workplaces.  Ethics and employment practices are interrelated and attention to both should be paid by employers of all sizes.  Top factors in promoting ethical behavior in the workplace include the behaviors of management and direct supervisors, coupled with positive reinforcement for ethical behavior.

As social and compliance factors place managers under greater degrees of responsibility and scrutiny, employers should give clear instruction of what is expected when an employee discovers unethical behavior, including whom they should contact and how it will be managed.

Regardless of the organizational function, employees who fail to maintain an ethical standard in their workplace can raise the possibility of not only organizational fraud but also operational risk and legal exposures.  It is vital that all employees (and this must also include senior/executive and board-level management), conduct themselves in accordance with workplace policies, as well as applicable state, federal and as required, international laws.

This course will examine the timely and important topic of practicing and promoting ethical behavior in the workplace as a contributor to corporate compliance, governance, financial sustainability, employee retention and overall corporate wellbeing.

This course is intended for professionals seeking a better understanding of ethics and ethical behavior, those responsible for assessing their organization’s ethics policies, training and awareness programs and for those professionals who desire to assess the impact that ethical behavior has on organizational culture, employee behavior, corporate wellbeing and overall business practices.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Interpret and remember the meaning of specific ethical terminology and to use ethical terms appropriately.
  2. Identify work areas and situations that may create ethical issues, across a variety of industries and markets.
  3. Explain the methodology involved in assessing an organization’s ethics program.
  4. Create a framework to develop one’s own ethical and moral philosophy.
  5. Define who is accountable and responsible for setting the ethical direction within the organization.
  6. Examine the critical issue of whether ethics can be taught and whether an individual can be taught to think and behave more ethically.
  7. Develop the ability to apply ethical thinking in personal real life situations
Course Outline

Please contact Al with a request for a detailed course outline…


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