(314) 504-0530 info@bac-mail.com

Cyber security: Mitigating Risk Across Enterprise – wide Operations

  • CPE Credits: 32
  • Prerequisites: Working understanding of basic information security principles and a general understanding of risk, audit and internal controls.
  • Learning Level: Intermediate
  • Instructional Method: Group/Live
  • Field of Study: Information Technology – Technical
Course Revision Date: March 1, 2023

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Course Description

Is your company prepared?

  • 1,946,181,599: Total number of records containing personal and other sensitive data that have been in compromised between Jan. 1, 2017, and March 20, 2018 (Source: Chronology of Data Breaches – Privacy Rights Clearinghouse)
  • $3.62 million: Average cost of a data breach in 2017 (Source: 2017 Cost of Data Breach Study – Ponemon Institute)
  • 77%: Proportion of respondents in a survey of 2,800 IT professionals who said their organizations do not have a formal cybersecurity incident response plan (Source: The Third Annual Study on the Cyber Resilient Organization, March 2018 – Ponemon Institute for IBM Resilient)
  • 40%: Proportion of business leaders in a survey of 9,500 IT professionals who are concerned about a cyberattack on IoT networks and other emerging technologies causing operational disruptions (Source: The Global State of Information Security Survey 2018 – PwC)

This four-day course is an in-depth exploration into the discipline of cybersecurity.  Providing an examination of the foundations of proactive cybersecurity programs, a review of the technologies behind cybersecurity and the role cybersecurity plays in risk mitigation.  Risks, which arise from ineffective internal control systems and improperly configured and managed security systems.

Examining the cybersecurity technologies, which establish the foundation for effective enterprise-wide, cybersecurity programs and that are used to secure and harden an organization’s IT infrastructure, the participant will attain a greater understanding of the discipline of cybersecurity, leading to an ability to apply this knowledge in assessing an organization’s security posture.


This course is intended for:

  • Internal/External Auditors who desire to improve their ability to communicate with IT and cybersecurity professionals, in the process of assessing enterprise-wide internal controls.
  • Professionals assigned to assess the organization’s cybersecurity posture and readiness, for successful management of cybersecurity risk.
  • Business resiliency, risk management and governance professionals tasked with coordinating roles and responsibilities, within a broader enterprise-wide cybersecurity mandate.
  • Executives and managers requiring a deeper understanding of cybersecurity and its crucial role in maintaining operational stability, compliance requirements and protecting corporate assets – financial and digital.



After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend security architecture, the OSI Model and network issues related to cybersecurity.
  • Detail ways to implement effective cybersecurity policies and procedures.
  • Evaluate computer security incident management policies, procedures and programs within the organization.
  • Explain the importance and relationship between effective risk management and successful cybersecurity programs.
  • Grasp the basics of encryption as a proactive means of securing sensitive digital assets.
  • Recognize cybersecurity threats to IT and enterprise-wide operations.
  • Value the significance and role of firewalls, DMZs, and infrastructure hardening in establishing strong cybersecurity programs.


Course Outline
Please contact Al with a request for a detailed course outline…


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cybersecurity and infrastructure security angency

BAC is a vetted, current provider of training courses through the NICCS Education and Training Catalog. BAC’s courses are aligned to the specialty areas of the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.